Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stitch and B****!

There are a few people that I work with who enjoy crocheting and knitting.  We've been talking for some time about having a stitch & b**** that would be a happy hour with yarn.  Non-yarnies are invited too and anyone who wants to learn how to hold a hook is welcome.  I'm totally excited about this!  But I wonder if I'll feel comfortable to go without my wig and be au natural.  I've enough hair to look like Mia Farrow and am aching for a haircut but I don't know if I'm comfortable to go without it in front of some of my colleagues.

My friends and fam have all seen me with less hair so it's not that- and everyone on my staff knows about my BC so I should feel comfy but I'll play it by ear and see what happens.

Other than that I can't wait!  I'm going to have some snacks and told everyone to bring their own beverage. Will post about the event afterwards, maybe even post some pics!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Just a quick post to wish all the Mama's a Happy Mother's Day!  Hope everyone did something special for that lady in your life.  My fur-baby Molly gave extra sweet cuddles this morning.  :) 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Lost in Stitches!

I have had no time this week to crochet!  From my last post, you read that I wound up pulling out several rows of a cotton baby cloche that wasn't proper.  That was the last time I had a hook in my hand and I feel like I'm going through withdrawal!  I don't have babies yet, as you've already read here, so I don't know how people with kids and jobs and a house make time to crochet!

After school I tutor today.  Then I have to go to the supermarket to get ingredients for my husband's birthday dinner tomorrow (10 adults and 2 kids!) and I vow to make time in between making sauce and meatballs tonight to crochet.  I want to work on a baby headband and diaper cover pattern I purchased off of Ravelry.  I also am in the middle of a baby blanket (panels crab-stitched together) for a friend having a baby in the Fall.  I just want to crawl into a blanket and sit on my couch and crochet while Bones is playing on my netflix!

It goes without saying- HAPPY FRIDAY!  May you all not become lost in stitches like me and have the time this weekend to do something that makes you happy.  :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stitch it with Friends!

I have three followers!  That's three more than I thought I would have!  Thank you so much for thinking that my ramblings are worth reading.  Much love to my Knitters with Breast Cancer group for clicking on my blog and for allowing a crocheter in to your awesome club!

Stitch it with Satisfaction

This past week I was off from work for Spring Break.  My husband and I work in the same district, so he was off as well.  I started the break with bronchitis- see how dedicated I am to work- I waited until break to get sick!

I wanted to do a few things while off- clean my closet, have a date night with Joel, scrapbook and crochet. I did all but scrapbook and crochet... scrapbooking didn't happen because I was using that time to play around on here.  That's ok, swapping one project for another.  But I was disappointed because I didn't get anything accomplished crocheting.  I started a cotton baby beanie and wound up pulling it all out after several rounds.  It seemed too big.  Joel suggested I pull out to a certain extent and count to make sure all was good- but I was not satisfied with that.  Out it all came.  I need to learn to work diligently and to not get distracted while crocheting and lose count.  Such is life, right?  But in order to stitch with satisfaction I need to be confident that I'm working correctly.  How many times have you, reader, pulled apart a project because you were not satisfied?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Project Stitch-It-Up

Stitch it with forgiveness

For anyone who knows me and my husband, you will know that we're married just under two years.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer just nine months into our marriage.  From diagnosis until surgery took just two months.  We spent our first anniversary at dinner where we got married, a little over a month and a half after a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction.  Not your typical situation for anyone- let alone newlyweds. 

Our family plan had included trying for babies a year after the wedding.  Instead of planning a family we were planning my chemo treatments.  We were back and forth to doctor appointments and working around my health.  Thankfully my tumor wasn't hormonal.  That is why we were able to go through egg harvesting prior to surgery.  We have eight embryos in the 'freezer' waiting for us to start a family.  Hopefully we will have our wish one day. 

I can't help but think of babies all the time.  This is the time I'd be pregnant, had we not had cancer.  I'd most likely be in my 2nd-3rd trimester and we'd be preparing the baby's room, waiting for the surprise of a boy or girl.

The reason I'm writing about forgiveness is that I sometimes get so upset that my life took this turn.  It could be worse- the variables could have been so different- but I can't help but wish I had what I was supposed to have now.  It is hard to be forgiving when you can't see past your own upset.  I'm sorry that I had to do this and I know that when I do have my babies that it will be even that more special knowing what we've been through.  Forgiveness is hard to give, especially to yourself.  When I make baby hats I stitch them with love for them and forgiveness for myself.  It is too hard to be upset with yourself when things are out of your control... I am thankful for what I do have and how lucky I was to live- the alternative was surely death.  I look forward to where my life is heading- health and happy.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stitch it with Intent

So I am on one of my last days of Spring Break (one of the perks of being a teacher) and the rain is keeping my husband and me from doing anything outside.  This is fine with me- I have an excuse (all the laundry and other chores are done!) to do all things crafty.  I had wanted to scrapbook today but I am now obsessed with getting this site personalized and fun to look at, as well as working on some crochet projects.

I am not formally trained in crochet- I learned in college as part of a Womens' Center initiative to crochet/knit hats and scarves for battered women.  I bought yarn and hooks then but quickly fell out of practice once I stopped working at the Womens' Center. 

Years and eons later, I decided to start crocheting again.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2010 and went through surgery and began treatment that July.  The hospital where I have my treatment accepts newborn hats and lap blankets for the elderly so I decided to begin my own yarn therapy to ease me through my treatments.  I could spend the time during and in between treatments with intention- working on hats and other yarnalicious projects.   

As it turned out, I mostly felt fine through my treatments- only missing a few assorted days of work towards the end of the four and a half months.  But my desire to crochet continued and I'm still crocheting five months post chemotherapy treatments.  I noticed during this time that the hats on display for newborns at the treatment center were boring and plain, just blue or pink, no flair, no whimsy.  I went out and bought a stores worth of Caron Simply Soft yarn (it is that soft) along with Lily cotton yarn and swiftly joined Crochet Spot and Ravelry to get cute and simple patterns.  The hats I have made so far have flower, petal and button embellishments and are in a variety of rich colors and stitches. 

Many thanks goes out to my mother-in-law, a superior crochet-er, who got me started again when all I had was a hook and a dream at the beginning of my self-imposed crochet therapy sessions.  Stitching with intent gives me purpose and helps me stay grounded.

 My first completed baby hat with flower embellishment.
A newborn beanie with flower and petal embellishment, made for a friend and her beautiful newborn.

Stitch me up, Scottie!

Here is my first blog!  This site is created to help me show off some of my crochet creations and to blog about my journeys in life, love and yarn. 
This is me, on the happiest day of my life, August 2, 2009.