Friday, April 29, 2011

Lost in Stitches!

I have had no time this week to crochet!  From my last post, you read that I wound up pulling out several rows of a cotton baby cloche that wasn't proper.  That was the last time I had a hook in my hand and I feel like I'm going through withdrawal!  I don't have babies yet, as you've already read here, so I don't know how people with kids and jobs and a house make time to crochet!

After school I tutor today.  Then I have to go to the supermarket to get ingredients for my husband's birthday dinner tomorrow (10 adults and 2 kids!) and I vow to make time in between making sauce and meatballs tonight to crochet.  I want to work on a baby headband and diaper cover pattern I purchased off of Ravelry.  I also am in the middle of a baby blanket (panels crab-stitched together) for a friend having a baby in the Fall.  I just want to crawl into a blanket and sit on my couch and crochet while Bones is playing on my netflix!

It goes without saying- HAPPY FRIDAY!  May you all not become lost in stitches like me and have the time this weekend to do something that makes you happy.  :)

1 comment:

  1. FYI it was 11 adults and 2 kids! AND there was no crocheting to be had this weekend. I am vowing to get some time in tonight (and chinese is for dinner so there's no cooking!)
